The Face of Deception: How Your Mimicry Tells the True Story
Presentation Abstract:Objective: There are contested claims that communication receivers mimic communication senders less when senders are deceptive compared to truthful. Our studies evaluate a novel computer-based measure of facial mimicry to determine its potential to inform the debate. By examining the facial reactions of individuals receiving deceptive and truthful messages, we test whether this innovative […]
Unveiling the power of video sentiment analysis for predicting advertising effectiveness: exploratory research on femvertising
This research challenges the conventional method of textual sentiment analysis in evaluating advertising effectiveness. We examined two distinct video ads for a cosmetics brand, employing video sentiment analysis to gauge their emotional impact on 35 female participants. This assessment was conducted using a self-reported questionnaire and a biometric platform integrating facial detection analysis (using Affdex […]
Beyond negativity? A laboratory study on emotional responses to populist strategies on social media
This exploratory laboratory study analyzes emotional responses to two types of populist strategies on social media platforms. We focus on emotional responses to content expressing ordinariness (on Instagram) and victimhood (on TikTok), where the content creator is a right-wing populist leader who is unfavorably perceived by the respondents in the study. Thus, the study critically […]
Visual Attention to Biophilic Elements in Virtual Classroom Design: A VR Eye-Tracking Study
Recently, interest in indoor nature-based solutions through biophilic design interventions has grown across various spatial contexts. This study examines the influence of biophilic elements in virtual classroom design on university students’ visual attention, utilizing eye-tracking integrated with VR technology. This study focuses on how eye-tracking can provide insights into attention processes in relation to biophilic […]
A Wearable Eye-Tracking Approach for Early Autism Detection with Machine Learning: Unravelling Challenges and Opportunities
Early detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is crucial to facilitate timely interventions, improve outcomes, and enhance the quality of life for individuals on the spectrum. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have significantly advanced the study of ASD by enabling sophisticated analyses of complex behavioural data, providing more accurate and timely detection methods. Nevertheless, existing […]
Are pie charts evil? An assessment of the value of pie and donut charts compared to bar charts
Many data visualization experts recommend the use of bar charts over pie charts because they consider comparing the area or angle of segments to be less accurate than comparing bars on a bar chart. However, many studies show that when the pie chart is used to estimate proportions (arguably its main function) it is as […]
Association of intensity and dominance of CEOs’ smiles with corporate performance
This study investigated whether the facial expressions of chief executive officers (CEOs) are associated with corporate performance. A photograph of the CEO or president of each company that appeared on the Fortune Global 500 list for 2018 was taken from the company’s official website. The smile intensity and action unit activation in each face were […]
Being facially expressive is socially advantageous
Individuals vary in how they move their faces in everyday social interactions. In a first large-scale study, we measured variation in dynamic facial behaviour during social interaction and examined dyadic outcomes and impression formation. In Study 1, we recorded semi-structured video calls with 52 participants interacting with a confederate across various everyday contexts. Video clips […]
Attention Level Evaluation in Children With Autism: Leveraging Head Pose and Gaze Parameters From Videos for Educational Intervention
In children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), assessing attention is crucial to understanding their behavioral and cognitive functioning. Attention difficulties are a common challenge for children with autism, significantly impacting their learning and social interactions. Traditional assessment methods often require skilled professionals to provide personalized interventions, which can be time consuming. In addition, existing approaches […]
Work-in-Progress—Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Fear Conditioning Using Virtual Reality for Victims of Gender-Based Violence: A Physiological Computing Approach Using Sweat-Sensing Bodysuit
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a deeply entrenched issue with widespread effects that go beyond the physical to profoundly affect victims’ psychological well-being. Those subjected to GBV are at risk of developing several mental health conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression. These conditions are often intensified by physiological symptoms, including hyperhidrosis, or […]
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