AI-enhanced analysis of naturalistic social interactions characterizes interaffective impairments in schizophrenia
Social deficits in schizophrenia have been attributed to an impaired attunement to mutual interaction, or “interaffectivity”. While impairments in emotion recognition and facial expressivity in schizophrenia have been consistently reported, findings on mimicry and social synchrony are inconsistent, and previous studies have often lacked ecological validity. To investigate interaffective behavior in dyadic interactions in a […]
How immersive technologies impact behavioral responses in destination marketing: the role of physiological arousal, presence, and age
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the effectiveness of immersive virtual reality (VR) media and the influence of user’s age in the context of destination marketing by exploring their impact on cognition (presence), affection (arousal), and behavioral (intention to visit and intention to recommend the destination) outcomes. Design/methodology/approach A laboratory experiment was conducted to compare […]
Towards Automated Competency Estimation for Math Education– An Eye Tracking and Emotion Analysis Study
Personalization relies on user models– representations of the user’s competencies, preferences, and skills to adapt the system behavior to optimize interaction. But the anticipated gain in productivity is offset by the effort involved in collecting and maintaining said user model. This is particularly pronounced in systems like ALeA (Adaptive Learning Assistant, https://courses.voll-ki.fau.de/), where the learner […]
This article is… Consumer reactions to unfinished teasers for digital content
To preview digital content and arouse consumers’ interest, online providers often use short teasers designed in an unfinished form, such that the teaser begins a new sentence but does not finish it. These teasers aim to create curiosity and trigger consumption of the advertised content. However, we reveal that consumers’ reactions to unfinished teasers are […]
Pupil contagion variation with gaze, arousal, and autistic traits
Pupillary contagion occurs when one’s pupil size unconsciously adapts to the pupil size of an observed individual and is presumed to reflect the transfer of arousal. Importantly, when estimating pupil contagion, low level stimuli properties need to be controlled for, to ensure that observations of pupillary changes are due to internal change in arousal rather […]
Implicit and explicit liking of a snack with health- versus taste-related information
Despite extensive consumer testing during product development, healthy snacks often fail in the market. This indicates that other factors are at play besides what is traditionally being tested before product launch. The aim of the study was to examine how exposure to a snack with a health versus taste message affects perceived healthiness, expected tastiness, […]
Visual attention to sustainability messages and self-reported willingness to pay for sustainable takeout and delivery packaging in Honduras
Recent changes in the consumption habits of the population suggest consumers have increased the number of purchases of take-out and livery food. This trend comes with unintended negative externalities to the environment, as it has resulted in increased plastic pollution due to single-use plastic food containers. Unfortunately, sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives tend to be more […]
Expert gaze as a usability indicator of medical AI decision support systems: a preliminary study
Given the current state of medical artificial intelligence (AI) and perceptions towards it, collaborative systems are becoming the preferred choice for clinical workflows. This work aims to address expert interaction with medical AI support systems to gain insight towards how these systems can be better designed with the user in mind. As eye tracking metrics […]
Utilizing Eye-Tracking in Advertising: Preliminary Findings
Eye-tracking research is steadily increasing, with emerging hypotheses about the connection between eye movements and cognitive processes in advertising contexts. This study aimed to utilize eye-tracking technology to explore how consumers perceive advertising appeals, particularly in distinguishing between the promoted product and the accompanying elements within an advertisement. The research sample included 35 students aged […]
My money—My problem: How fear-of-missing-out appeals can hinder sustainable investment decisions
Cryptocurrencies (cryptos) have detrimental environmental effects due to their massive energy consumption. While several green crypto coins have been launched, the mainstream—environmentally unfriendly coins—still lead the market. In this study, we explore if influencer marketing, specifically fear-of-missing-out (FOMO) appeals, can contribute to promoting green crypto coin purchases to encourage sustainable investments. The results of five […]
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