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  • HuSIS: A Dedicated Space for Studying Human Interactions


    Abstract: The Human-Surrogate Interaction Space (HuSIS) consists of a dedicated physical space, structures, and components designed specifically for carrying out controlled studies related to human-surrogate interactions. This article discusses the primary factors considered in the HuSIS design and the benefits of the common data-collection and analysis framework for HuSIS research.

  • Automatic expression recognition and expertise prediction in Bharatnatyam


    Abstract: Bharatnatyam is an ancient Indian Classical Dance form consisting of complex postures and expressions. One of the main challenges in this dance form is to perform expression recognition and use the resulting data to predict the expertise of a test dancer. In this paper, expression recognition is carried out for the 6 basic expressions […]

  • Deep Multimodal Fusion for Persuasiveness Prediction

    Open AccessPeer-Reviewed01/11/2016University of Central Florida + 2

    Abstract: Persuasiveness is a high-level personality trait that quantifies the influence a speaker has on the beliefs, attitudes, intentions , motivations, and behavior of the audience. With social multimedia becoming an important channel in propagating ideas and opinions, analyzing persuasiveness is very important. In this work, we use the publicly available Persuasive Opinion Multimedia (POM) […]

  • Alexithymia, but Not Autism Spectrum Disorder, May Be Related to the Production of Emotional Facial Expressions


    Abstract: Background: A prominent diagnostic criterion of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) relates to the abnormal or diminished use of facial expressions. Yet little is known about the mechanisms that contribute to this feature of ASD. Methods: We showed children with and without ASD emotionally charged video clips in order to parse out individual differences in spontaneous production […]

  • Asynchronous Video Interviews vs. Face-To-Face Interviews for Communication Skill Measurement: A Systematic Study


    Abstract: Communication skill is an important social variable in employment interviews. As recent trends point to, increasingly asynchronous or interface-based video interviews are becoming popular. Also getting increasing interest is automatic hiring analysis, of which automatic communication skill prediction is one such task. In this context, a research gap that exists and which our paper […]

  • Automatic assessment of communication skill in interface-based employment interviews using audio-visual cues


    Abstract: Being an effective communicator plays a major role in employment interviews. In this paper, we provide a computational framework to automatically predict the communication skill of a person in an interface-based interview setting. The advantage of interface-based interview setting compared to that of a face-to-face setting is, the participants get assessed without any human […]

  • Objective, computerized video-based rating of blepharospasm severity

    GatedPeer-Reviewed21/10/2016Salk Institute for Biological Studies; Institute for Neural Computation

    Objective: To compare clinical rating scales of blepharospasm severity with involuntary eye closures measured automatically from patient videos with contemporary facial expression software. Methods: We evaluated video recordings of a standardized clinical examination from 50 patients with blepharospasm in the Dystonia Coalition’s Natural History and Biorepository study. Eye closures were measured on a frame-by-frame basis […]

  • Eye Tracking Architecture: A Pilot Study of Buildings in Boston


    Abstract: In a collaboration between architecture, interior design, and cognitive science, we conducted an eye tracking study at the Institute for Human Centered Design, a non-profit in Boston. Our thirtythree volunteer viewers, ages 18 to 80 and from various occupations, looked at 60 images on a computer screen for 15 seconds each. Half of the […]

  • Advanced Driver Monitoring for Assistance System (ADMAS) based on emotions

    GatedPeer-Reviewed17/09/2016TecnolĂłgico de Monterrey

    Abstract: This work presents advances in research of emotions recognition by using facial expressions to be used in active security system focused in driver monitoring systems to provide efficient assistance through Advanced Driver Assistance Systems to drivers when poor driving performance is detected; researchers have called to this approach Advanced Driver Monitoring for Assistance Systems […]

  • Choice certainty in Discrete Choice Experiments: Will eye tracking provide useful measures?

    GatedPeer-Reviewed01/09/2016University of Copenhagen

    Abstract: In this study, we conduct a Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) using eye tracking technology to investigate if eye movements during the completion of choice sets reveal in-formation about respondents’ choice certainty. We hypothesise that the number of times that respondents shift their visual attention between the alternatives in a choice set reflects their stated […]

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