Learn from muscle movements
Electromyography (EMG) records the movement of our muscles through bursts of electrical activity generated by muscle contractions.
EMG allows for a better understanding not only of muscle movements and activity, but also to investigate their association with certain emotions and behavioral outcomes, including through sensitive measurements of facial muscles with facial electromyography (fEMG).

More than skin deep
The iMotions EMG Module integrates multiple EMG devices from BIOPAC and Shimmer for flexible data collection options. For example, with iMotions you can monitor EMG from several muscle groups around the body at the same time, detect facial muscle movements (fEMG) in VR, or open up even more possibilities by pairing with the iMotions API or other biosensors. The flexible software connects, records, and live visualizes data, and is a complete experimental suite for EMG.
Measure the body and the face
Researchers are already using the EMG module to:
- Measure physiological responses of maritime officers
- Validate affective expressions
- Test the influence of price on purchase decisions
- Explore emotional expressions in response to advertisements by measuring micro-expressions
- And more

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