What is iMotions Online?

  • iMotions Online is our new fully browser-based neuroscience teaching tool, aimed to be used by everyone starting out learning neuroscience 

Who is the primary audience for iMotions Online?

  • University students starting out in neuroscience, marketing, psychology or similar can benefit greatly from the intuitive way iMotions Online makes the basics of neuroscience accessible.  

Can only College/University students use iMotions Online?

  • No, while university students are the primary target, students in high schools, business academies, and similar institutions can also benefit from iMotions Online if it fits the course scope.

I have never done any biometric research before and don’t have any high-tech equipment. Will that impact my work with iMotions Online?

  • Not at all! iMotions Online is designed for beginners in biometric research. You only need a computer with internet access. The platform is user-friendly and makes study setup, data collection, and data analysis quick and easy, ensuring you can start your first study in no time.

What kinds of data collection can I do with iMotions Online? 

  • iMotions Online integrates two of the most popular modules from the Remote Data Collection module from the iMotions Lab software, namely; Webcam Eye-Tracking and Facial Expression Analysis. On top of that you can add advanced survey features to your studies with the integrated survey builder.

I don’t have any experience with data analysis, is that a problem? 

  • No, not at all. While data analysis is often a thing that you have to do on a case-by-case basis, and thus something you gain experience with over time, we have made a handy guide to help you get started, which you can download here

How do I buy iMotions Online? 

  • You buy iMotions Online by contacting our sales representatives right here

iMotions Online FAQ – Practicalities

What Does It Mean to Be an iMotions Online Admin?

  • Admin Privileges on my.imotions.com:
    • Ability to “View, create, and edit users on your account.”
    • Access to “Settings” to manage user configurations and end dates.
    • Visibility of all studies on the Company workspace, including all student data.

Instructor Capabilities and Visibility

  • What Can Instructors See?
    • All studies in the company workspace.
    • Option to enable two-factor authentication.
    • A complete list of all users.
  • What Can Instructors Do?
    • View user additions to the Online platform (not login status).
    • Manage student access periods (start and end dates).
    • Reset student passwords.
    • Adjust configurations of Online accounts.
    • View and edit all studies in the company workspace.
    • Add users individually (bulk adding by iMotions admin only).
    • Note: Instructors are not included in the automatic welcome emails sent to students.

Managing Courses as an Admin

  • Bulk Adding Students: Only iMotions admins can add students in bulk.
  • Workspace Structure:
    • Single workspace for the entire university.
    • Instructors see all university studies, not just their course.
    • A folder system to separate studies by course is under development.
  • Sharing Studies:
    • Instructors can individually grant students access to specific studies for course-related work.

Course Preparation for Instructors

  • Onboarding Materials: Instructors often create their own to guide students through assignments.
  • Research Questions: Prepare questions for student assignments.
  • Demo Studies:
    • Some instructors create and share demo studies to provide assignment references.
  • Course Materials: iMotions does not provide pre-made course materials.

Platform Capabilities and Project Examples

  • A/B Testing:
    • Compare visual attention (eye tracking) on designs, ads, or urban renderings.
    • Assess emotional reactions to videos (both aggregated and individual emotions).
    • Qualitative analysis of eye tracking on website interactions.
  • Surveys: Can be integrated with other study types.

Student Access and Permissions

  • Access Setup:
    • Instructors submit student details (emails, names, expiration dates) via CSV to an iMotions admin.
    • Students receive a Welcome email to set up their password for my.imotions.com.
  • Participation in Multiple Courses:
    • Students can join multiple courses within the same workspace.
    • Studies can be shared with participants from different courses.
  • Study Permissions:
    • By default, visible to the owner and instructor.
    • Permissions can be adjusted for broader visibility or specific sharing.
    • Group work: One student creates the study and invites others, sharing equal access rights.

Post-Course Study Management

  • Inactive Studies:
    • Removed from the list after 180 days of inactivity.
    • Scheduled for deletion after an additional 90 days, with permanent deletion 30 days later.
    • Notifications are sent to users for inactive or scheduled-for-deletion studies.

Student Support

  • Primary Contact: Course Instructor.
  • Help Center:
    • Links available in iMotions Online.
    • Students have access to Help Center resources.
  • Technical Support:
    • Submit support tickets through the browser interface.
    • Assistance provided by the iMotions Technical Support Team.


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