Overview EMG (Electromyography) Shimmer3 EMG

Shimmer3 EMG

The Shimmer3 EMG (Electromyogram) unit provides a configurable digital front-end, optimized for the measurement of physiological signals for EMG.

The Shimmer3 EMG  sensor measures and records the electrical activity associated with muscle contractions, assesses nerve conduction, muscle response in injured tissue, activation level, or can be used to analyze and measure the bio-mechanics of human or animal movement.


Model Shimmer3 EMG
Connection All Hospital-Grade 1mm Touchproof IEC/EN 60601-1 DIN42-802 jacks
Channels 2 channel EMG solution
Input types Inputs include defibrillation protection (survive only, not repeat)
Bandwidth 8.4 kHz
Input protection ESD and RF/EMI filtering, Current limiting,
Input differential Approximately 800mV (for gain = 6)
Device attributes
Weight 31 g
Dimensions 65 x 32 x 12 mm
EEPROM memory 2048 bytes
Bluetooth adapter Kensington K33956AM USB 2.0 Bluetooth 4.0 (be sure to disable your machine’s internal bluetooth)

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