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What is an API? (And How Does This Powerful Tool Work?)
Product Guides
How To Do Behavioral Coding in iMotions
Consumer Insights
What are R Notebooks in iMotions?
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What Is Emotion Recognition Technology?
The Ultimate Guide to Using iMotions with E-Prime, Psychtoolbox & PsychoPy
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Exploring Mental Workload with iMotions
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EEG Headset Prices – An Overview of 15+ EEG Devices
Product Guides
The iMotions Screen-Based Eye Tracking Module [Explained]
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Everything you can do with the iMotions EEG Module
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Everything you can do with the Facial Expression Analysis (FEA) module in iMotions
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What is multimodality in biometric research?
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EEG Caps: The Complete Guide To its Anatomy And Setup
Get to grip with the fundamentals
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Galvanic Skin Response (GSR): The Complete Pocket Guide
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The Stroop Effect – How it Works and Why Is Has A Profound Impact
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How To Analyze and Interpret Heat Maps
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Ad Testing Made Smarter: How Biometrics Boosts Performance
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The Study of Human Behavior: Measuring, analyzing and understanding [Incl. Cheat Sheets]
An Introduction to Theories of Emotion
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An Introduction To Visual Perception
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What Is EDA Peak Detection and How Does It Work?
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An Introduction To The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System
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What Are Emotions and Why Do They Matter?
Research Fundamentals
What Is EMG (Electromyography) and How Does It Work?
Consumer Insights
What is GSR (galvanic skin response) and how does it work?
Consumer Insights