Overview EDA/GSR (Electrodermal Activity) Empatica E4 EDA/GSR Wristband

Empatica E4 EDA/GSR Wristband


The E4 wristband is designed for researchers and physicians who are conducting research on physiology in daily life and is not for consumer use. It is flexible with tools for data recording and management as well as real-time streaming to the Empatica Realtime App both for Android and for iOS. It is also possible to measure PPG with the E4 in order to conduct Heart Rate Variability (HRV) studies.

The Empatica E4 has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase. The integration for the E4 wristband in iMotions Lab has also been deprecated and users of the product are advised to find alternatives.


Sampling frequency EDA: 4 Hz (non-customizable); PPG: 64 Hz (non-customizable)
Resolution EDA: 1 digit ~900 pSiemens; PPG output: 0.9 nW / digit
Range 0.01 μSiemens – 100 μSiemens
Electrodes Semi-permanent (screw in design); SUS03 stainless steel (standard) or Silver (Ag) plated with a metallic core
Electrode longevity Lifetime (SUS03), 4–6 months (Ag)
Flash memory Up to 60h of data storage
Data transfer Bluetooth / USB 2.0
LEDs Green (2 LEDs), Red (2 LEDs)
Sensor output Blood volume pulse (BVP)
Motion artifact removal algorithm Combines different light wavelengths; Tolerates external lighting conditions
Dimensions Case: 44x40x16 mm; Wrist: 110 – 190 mm
Weight 25 g
Medically Certified No

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