EDA/GSR (Electrodermal Activity)
Measure skin conductivity to indicate emotional arousal and stress.
Find Out MoreThe BIOPAC BIONOMADIX 2CH GSR/EDA Amplifier is a wireless unit that is an add-on to the wired BIOPAC MP160 device for measuring skin conductance, also known as Electrodermal Activity (EDA) or Galvanic Skin Response (GSR). The module pair emulates a “wired” connection from the subject to computer, with all the benefits of a fully-wireless recording system. These units interface with the MP150 data acquisition and analysis platform and AcqKnowledge software, allowing advanced analysis for multiple applications and supporting acquisition of a broad range of signals and measurements.
The BIONOMADIX 2CH GSR/EDA Amplifier is compatible with the iMotions EDA/GSR Module and can also be used to capture Photo Plethysmogram (PPG) signal data in order to perform Heart Rate Variability (HRV).
Measure skin conductivity to indicate emotional arousal and stress.
Find Out MorePlux Biosignals
EDA/GSR (Electrodermal Activity)
EDA/GSR (Electrodermal Activity)
EDA/GSR (Electrodermal Activity)
Shimmer Research
EDA/GSR (Electrodermal Activity)
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