iMotions Software Module


Gain invaluable psychophysiological insights through the behavior of the heart.

Electrocardiography – read the heartbeats

ECG (electrocardiography) is a method of collecting electrical signals generated by the heart. This allows us to understand the level of physiological arousal that someone is experiencing, but it can also be used to understand psychological states.

The rhythm of the heart changes in response to the environment, beating with more or less intensity, consistency, or change in speed. Driven by the autonomic nervous system, ECG is a clear, non-invasive method for investigating human behavior. The data provides information about both physiological and emotional states.

ECG EKG reading
ECG measurements used in a study assessing psychophysiological responses to reading.

Analysis beyond beats

The heart is quantified in more than just beats – heart rate variability is associated with emotional regulation, social skills, and cognitive processes, and is automatically calculated as part of ECG analysis in iMotions. Synchronize ECG with a range of sensors to get a deep understanding of how the heart changes – and is changed by – reactions to stimuli.

Assess psychophysiological status with ECG

Researchers are already using the ECG module to:

  • Measure responses to educational messaging
  • Test wine packaging
  • Explore audiovisual effects within gameplay
  • Predict driver performance in automated vehicles
  • And more

Electrocardiography (ECG / EKG)PDF

ECG EKG ergonomics study
ECG used in conjunction with other biosensors in an ergonomics study.

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Here you can find some of the questions we are asked on a regular basis. If you have questions you cannot find here, or elsewhere on our website, please contact us here.

What is an electrocardiogram (ECG)?

How is an electrocardiogram (ECG) done?

How many leads are there on a standard electrocardiogram?


  • Hardware Agnostic

    Connection to Shimmer3, BIOPAC, or Bionomadix

  • Data collection and visualization

    Collect, visualize, analyze, and export raw and processed data

  • Automated HRV calculation

    Heart rate variability and other metrics are automatically calculated with integrated R-notebooks

  • Built-in QA

    Integrated quality assurance tools

  • Collect data from multiple devices

    Connect up to 6 Shimmer devices simultaneously on one iMotions software license

  • Further device integrations

    Additionally collect photoplethysmography and accelerometer data with Shimmer

  • Battery level and signal strength

    See in the iMotions software if the connected devices are powered and have a strong signal

Latest publications using iMotions ECG (Electrocardiography) module

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