
Video Features and Options in iMotions Lab

The video capabilities in iMotions Lab are designed to provide comprehensive support for capturing, analyzing, and integrating video data into your research studies. These features are crucial for a wide range of applications, from facial expression analysis to usability studies and immersive virtual reality experiments. Here’s an overview of the video features and options available in iMotions Lab, and how they integrate with other capabilities of the platform to enhance your research.

Key Video Features in iMotions Lab

1. Respondent Camera

  • Configuration: Set up a respondent camera to capture facial expressions using the Affectiva AFFDEX integration. This involves selecting the appropriate camera and resolution in the Global Settings under the Audio & Video tab.
  • Usage: Ideal for capturing detailed facial expressions during studies, crucial for understanding emotional responses to stimuli.

2. Environment Camera

  • Configuration: Designate an environment camera to record the test environment or additional video inputs. This is set up in the Global Settings and is visible in the sensor status bar.
  • Usage: Useful for usability studies, focus groups, or any scenario where you need to capture a broader view of the test environment.

3. Scene Camera

  • Configuration: Set up a scene camera to record physical scenes, capturing interactions with physical objects. This is configured in the Global Settings and is crucial for studies where the environment plays a key role.
  • Usage: Perfect for scenarios like product testing, physical task analysis, and behavioral studies involving physical objects.

4. IP Camera Integration

  • Configuration: Connect IP cameras using video streaming software like SplitCam. This allows you to use cameras that are not natively recognized by iMotions.
  • Usage: Provides flexibility in camera setup, enabling the use of diverse camera types and setups for complex research environments.

5. Audio Integration

  • Configuration: Choose and configure audio sources for respondent and scene cameras, allowing for greater flexibility in study setups.
  • Usage: Essential for studies where audio data is crucial, such as interviews, focus groups, or any scenario requiring synchronized audio-visual data.

6. Replay and Analysis

  • Replay Settings: After data collection, you can replay sessions with options to mute/unmute playback, ensuring a thorough review of the recorded data.
  • Usage: Facilitates detailed post-study analysis, allowing researchers to revisit and scrutinize every aspect of the recorded sessions.

Integration with iMotions Lab Capabilities

The video features in iMotions Lab are designed to seamlessly integrate with the platform’s other capabilities, providing a comprehensive research tool. Here’s how these integrations can enhance your research:

  • Facial Expression Analysis: Combine video data from respondent cameras with Affectiva AFFDEX for detailed emotional analysis, helping you understand participants’ reactions to various stimuli.
  • Multimodal Data Collection: Synchronize video data with other biosensors such as eye trackers, galvanic skin response sensors, and EEG devices, providing a holistic view of participants’ responses.
  • Usability Studies: Use environment and scene cameras to capture interactions with products or interfaces, while simultaneously recording biometric data to evaluate user experience.
  • Virtual Reality (VR): Integrate video recordings with VR setups to analyze participant behavior in immersive environments, providing insights into how users interact with virtual stimuli.

Use Cases for Video Features

1. Marketing Research: Capture and analyze facial expressions to understand consumer reactions to advertisements, products, or branding.

2. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI): Record and analyze user interactions with software interfaces or devices to improve usability and design.

3. Psychological Studies: Use video data to study behavioral responses in controlled environments, integrating with physiological data for comprehensive analysis.

4. Educational Research: Employ video recordings to observe and analyze teaching methods and student interactions in real-time or simulated environments.


The video features and options in iMotions Lab provide researchers with a versatile and powerful toolset for capturing and analyzing video data. Whether you are conducting facial expression analysis, usability testing, or immersive VR studies, these capabilities ensure you can collect high-quality data and gain deep insights into human behavior. By integrating these video features with other iMotions Lab functionalities, you can create robust, multimodal research designs that address complex research questions and deliver impactful results.


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