At iMotions, we are fortunate to have created a software platform that can be applied to a wide spectrum of human behavior research using biosensor technology. This has led to the immense privilege of having customers from all over the world and from a host of different avenues of research. iMotions users’ work ranges from automotive simulations to UX testing to clinical psychology – and everything in between – and researchers use our software as the foundation for their groundbreaking research.
We have always prided ourselves on being more than just a software development company. In fact, we see ourselves equally as a research enablement company. Being able to enable our customers and end-users to conduct the best possible research has always been one of the foundational pillars of the iMotions company model. Our in-house experts have guided, helped, and troubleshot for thousands of customers since the company’s inception. Now we feel the time is perfect to open up the floor and give every iMotions user the chance to share their knowledge to help their peers.
Bringing the research world together
Our in-house experts are one of the great values of iMotions, but that expertise pales in comparison to the combined experience and expertise of the host of researchers, data collectors, and analysts all over the world who use our software on a daily basis. At iMotions, we see that combined global expertise as one of the largest and most valuable resources in the field of biometric research.
In short, we are the gatekeepers of the potentially largest biosensor research community in the world. That is why we have decided to create a place where that expertise can be utilized and shared, namely the iMotions Global Research Community.
With the creation of this community, we open up for collaboration and networking opportunities, knowledge sharing, and insights into what research is being conducted all around the world which will hopefully empower and inspire our users to take their research to new heights. The community consists of a Research Map and an online forum for iMotions users to explore their global network. Here are some details about the features:
Research Map
The Research Map is a visual representation and networking resource on which you will be able to see universities and labs all over the world using iMotions. You can easily view what research they are focusing on, what sensors and technologies their lab is equipped with, and how to get in touch with the lead researcher or lab manager. Additionally, it will display the lab’s highlighted publications and whether or not the labs or universities are open to receiving visitors.

When you become an iMotions customer your lab or university will get an entry on the map where you can showcase your work and share how you would like to be contacted to collaborate on research, recruit new students or coworkers who are versed in biosensor research or meet others in your area.
If you are already an iMotions customer who would like to be featured on the map, please write to the community team here.
Community Forum
The community forum is where knowledge sharing, methodology discussions, tips and tricks, and script sharing can take place. We are invested in creating a space where knowledge can flow freely to the benefit of all users and clients and we have created a space where experiences, insights, and solutions can be shared, discussed, and built upon.

Our in-house experts will have a strong presence on the forum, which will function as a community hub where they will engage with users on an equal footing. We would be hubristic if we assumed that we knew all the answers to all the questions our clients could ever ask. On the other hand, we are sure that most answers will exist in the community so it only makes sense to open up the discussion.
2022 Feature Update
In early 2022 we added a string of new features to make the Global Research Community even more of a place where our clients and users can come and interact with other iMotions users, knowledge-share and develop their skills in human behavior research.
iMotions Community Masterclass:
As part of our overall strategy of enabling our customers and users to always improve their skills within the iMotions product sphere, we are launching a series of masterclasses aimed at the more advanced aspects of iMotions. The Masterclasses are held exclusively in the community and will be a series of live-streamed webinars. The first masterclass is on Monday the 28th of February 2022 and will be a recurring event following that. All community members can attend freely or replay at their convenience at a later stage in the iMotions Masterclass section.
The Marketplace is a forum where iMotions users can buy, sell and exchange hardware and services. We instituted the Marketplace to both create a space where buyers would immediately know that a given of hardware will be supported in their own software, but also give a better knowledge of hardware provenience. As we are in the midst of a global supply chain shortage, we are also obliged to see if we can make the acquisition of hardware from other avenues other than the actual manufacturers more accessible.
So regardless of whether you are looking to upgrade hardware on a budget, clean out some old equipment to make room for an upgrade, or beat the global market delivery times, the Community Marketplace might be something for you.
The new “Groups” function allows all community users to set up interest groups with fellow community members and peers. The groups can be either private or public and what their focus is, is exclusively up to those who start them. Each group is supplied with a private forum so that the members can easily and conveniently communicate with each other in a private setting in their specific sphere of interest.
Profile Builder:
We have expanded the profile builder to feature more traditional social media elements. Add images, your professional affiliations, skills, and links to other platforms (LinkedIn, ResearchGate, etc). Send messages to and add other community members as friends and build your network of peers in both a human behavior research-centric, but also an iMotions-centric environment.
How to join
The iMotions Global Research Community is part of a new initiative we are launching called “iMotions Customer Success”, which is, as the name implies, a customer-centric service program that aims at enabling you as an iMotions user on everything you might encounter while using our software.
Joining the Global Research Community will happen automatically when you become an iMotions customer and it is part of your annual renewal or subscription fees. If you are interested in becoming an iMotions user, or are you already a user and want to update your plan to include the Customer Success Program, please contact your assigned Customer Success Manager or contact us on our website below.
If you are interested in learning more about the Customer Success Program and its benefits to you as an iMotions customer, please follow the link below.