Academic research has always been an evolving and ever-expanding fixture in the world’s universities, and to support and promote the research, the research facilities also have to evolve. A crucial part of that is to invest in and integrate new technological advances such as biometric technology on top of traditional behavioral data collection for next-level research.
The world over we are seeing a shift in trends where universities are starting to invest in large interdepartmental experiential labs using biometric data. The strengths of these new experiential labs are many, and at the center lies the idea of interdisciplinary collaboration, internal coherence, and high-impact learning experiences for students that can prepare them for real-world environments.
Join the Affective(ly) Research annual gathering in Florida.
- February 29 – March 1, 2024
- Event Host: Center for Marketing and Sales Innovation, University of South Florida
On top of that, the inherent interdisciplinary structure puts the lab and thereby the university in a much better place to compete for external funding by having more strengths to utilize. Last but definitely not least, the lab will be a revenue generator, as well as a generator for partnerships both on a local business level and beyond.
On Feb 24-25, the University of South Florida is gathering researchers from all over the US to collaborate and exchange knowledge on how to build, grow and scale a human biometric and behavior lab.

Several universities have used iMotions to make the transition with success, and cite student involvement as one of the main factors of return on investment.
“(In the new lab….) Our students are learning about things that most undergraduate students are never exposed to, and it gives them a real advantage in a competitive job market. And for the first time in my career, I am having droves of undergraduate students approach me, wanting to learn how to conduct this type of research. They are coming to MSU and the College of Business because they know that they can learn skills here that set them apart”
– Professor Mike Breazeale, director of the MSU MILO lab.
And on the notion of why clients use iMotions to build and scale up a human behavior lab:
(They provide…) “An integrated research and professional development platform to allow interested faculty, researchers, and students to quickly learn and start using innovative biometric equipment in their research efficiently at a low cost”
Dr. Marco Palma, director of the Human Behavior Laboratory at Texas A&M University
Building a human behavior research lab, and scaling and growing it organically is a complex process. If you are intrigued about how to get the process started and what you should expect along the way, you now have a unique opportunity to network with a lot of people who have been through the process or are in it now.
Academic Researchers and lab managers are gathering in Florida
The University of South Florida’s Center for Marketing and Sales Innovation is hosting its annual “Affective(ly) Research” conference, and this year’s focus is specifically to build, grow and scale human behavior labs.
Information about the event:

Affective(ly) Research is an annual gathering where researchers working with biometrics and emotional insights gather to collaborate and exchange best practices. Thursday evening is a casual networking and dinner session in the Muma College of Business atrium. Groups are encouraged to create a poster about their facilities and research to support networking discovery. Appetizers, a casual dinner, and beverages will be provided during the event. Friday will include a combination of research presentations and panel discussions along with lunch.
Who should attend?
Academic and commercial groups seeking to gain insights into user behavior research are invited to attend. Three audiences are expected: lab managers, groups seeking to scale their labs, and organizations who are planning a lab.
Dates, Host, and Location
Dates: 23-24 February 2023
Event Host: Center for Marketing and Sales Innovation, University of South Florida
Platinum Sponsor: iMotions – the world’s leading platform for biometric research
Location: Muma College of Business, University South Florida – Tampa Campus
There is no event registration fee. Please Register for the event through this link:
For additional information, you may reach the USF Center for Marketing and Sales Innovation by emailing the director, Dr. Rob Hammond, at or calling 813.974.2079.
You can also contact iMotions by emailing Senior Strategic Account Manager, Dr. Francesca Marchionne, at or call 617-520-4958.
Thursday, 23 February 2023 – Organization Poster Event / Networking
3:00pm – 5:00pm Set up in Muma College of Business Atrium
5:00pm – 8:00pm Networking and Casual Dinner (provided)
Friday, 24 February 2023 – Conference Sessions
7:30am – 9:00am Large Lab Director Breakout Lab Management Track Research Track
9:00am – 10:00am Panel: Operating a lab
10:15 – 11:15 Panel: Participant recruitment, Pool Management, and IRB
11:30 – 1:00 Lunch (provided)
Combined Sessions
1:15 – 2:45 Innovations: online, ET sensors, glasses, AR/VR, and hands-on démonstrations
3:00 – 4:30 Dollars and Collaboration: models for lab funding and operation
Additional Information About Sessions
Thursday Evening Event
Informally connect with colleagues over beverages and dinner while reviewing posters from the organizations attending the events.
Friday Research Track
Each of the Friday morning research sessions will be a 20-minute presentation followed by 10 minutes of discussion. All attendees are invited to propose a presentation by submitting a one-page summary of the presentation. Research presentations will be selected based on learning potential and novelty.
Research methods, tools, analysis techniques, and other topics related to affective research are welcome subject areas. Presentation proposals are requested by October 1, 2022.
Event Host
Located in Tampa, Florida, the University of South Florida Muma College of Business Center for Marketing and Sales Innovation is an economic engine for the region. The center supports its community with a focus on three pillars: Research, Professional Training, and Student Engagement. Included within the center are two Customer Experience Labs. The Tampa CXL hosts the center’s biometric sensor assets and the CXL in St Petersburg is well-equipped for qualitative research. The center is also well known for hosting the annual intercollegiate sales competition, Selling with the Bulls. The annual event has rightly earned the title of “The Toughest Test in Sales Education”. Learn more about the center, labs, and events at Center for Marketing and Sales Innovation | USF Muma College of Business.
Platinum Sponsor
iMotions – the world’s leading platform for biometric research. iMotions provides software solutions built for human behavior research and affective science – designed with multimodal research in mind.