Feature additions
- Loading time and memory usage has been improved for long studies without (or with very few) eye tracking samples
- We have added the option to undistort the video feed from Pupil Invisible glasses.
Bug corrections
- Recording durations could be displayed incorrectly for long recordings, this has now been fixed
- We fixed a potential issue with replaying long recordings
- We fixed an issue with loading the AOI grid for R
- An issue with splitting AOIs near the start of the recording timeline has been fixed
- Video scene configurations have been updated to restrict the file type to WMV
- An issue with importing large files from Mobile studies has been fixed
- The Smart Eye Pro UI has been updated to display 3D models correctly
- We fixed a potential issue with re-processing previously corrected Pupil Invisible video feeds
- We have fixed a potential issue with the AOI editor when carrying out gaze mapping
- We have updated and corrected the Pupil Invisible recording start time data
Eye Tracking
- We fixed an issue with gaze mappings on video stimuli that did not have an ending marked, potentially creating undefined scene fragments
- It’s now possible to show Smart Eye Pro left and right gaze intersection position in world model 3D view
- We have updated and improved communication with the Smart Eye API
- We have now added support for the creation of 2D Smart Eye Pro stimuli images for world models with normalized screens resolutions