Eye tracking in cytotechnology education: “visualizing” students becoming experts

Maheswari Mukherjee PhD

Amber Donnelly PhD

Blake Rose

David E. Warren

Elizabeth Lyden

Nikolaos Chantziantoniou

Brian Dimmitt

Karyn Varley

Liron Pantanowitz

Materials and methods

Twenty-five static DI of gynecologic cytology specimens were serially displayed on a computer monitor for evaluation by 16 CT students and 3 cytotechnologists at 3 locations. During evaluation, participant’s eye movements were monitored with a Mirametrix S2 eye tracker (iMotions, Boston, MA) and EyeWorks software (Eyetracking, Solana Beach, CA). Students completed the protocol at: Period1 (P1)—4 months, Period2 (P2)—7 months, Period3 (P3)—11 months during their 1-year training; and the cytotechnologists only once. A general linear mixed model was used to analyze the results.


Eye tracking
Digital images
This publication uses Eye Tracking and Eye Tracking Screen Based which is fully integrated into iMotions Lab

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