The guiding philosophy behind our new help center is that science is built on knowledge. Access to information helps us understand and predict the world around us, to form hypotheses, and test ideas. This, in turn, creates new knowledge that helps us understand and predict the world around us a little bit better.
Human behavior research is no exception – understanding the breakthroughs in knowledge guides future groundbreaking research. Making sure relevant, accessible, and up-to-date information is available to our clients is something we pride ourselves on at iMotions. That’s why we’re proud to launch our updated Help Center – a one-stop portal for guidance and information related to carrying out cutting-edge human behavior research in iMotions.
The latest version of our Help Center makes knowledge-gathering even more accessible and intuitive. Below, we will walk you through some of the new features that can help you on your research journey.
Updated structure and search functionality
The vast majority of information we gather today is through searching online, and our Help Center is no exception. That’s why we’ve invested in improving the search functionality, both in the data gathering that it carries out, and in how that information is displayed. The latest UI displays the context of the search results as the search is made, helping you discover what you need quicker and easier.
The distribution of the topics within the Help Center has also been simplified and reorganized to be more intuitive. Our main topic categories have been decreased from sixteen to four – with deeper subcategories allowing for more logical paths to information.
We have also added smart tags to each and every Help Center article, helping you discover relevant content through similar articles. New and updated articles are now also marked as such, helping you identify the latest information. You can also find relevant articles at the end of each page.

Expert Content
A central fact about our Help Center hasn’t changed – all of our content is written by subject-matter experts. With over 20% of the iMotions team having a Ph.D., expertise isn’t hard to find. This will continue, to ensure that you have the most relevant and up-to-date information – whether this regards operating our software, or learning about biosensor technology.
Our new Help Center also highlights clearly which articles are new, and which articles have recently been edited, helping you stay on top of the latest information. We will be continually updating the information available to ensure your research can be completed as smoothly as possible.

Tips & Tricks
Beyond these main points, we’ve also added a few functions that should make working with the Help Center an easier experience. Including:
- PDF exports and easier printing. It’s now possible to download the Help Center (all XXX number of pages, if you wish) to use offline or to print. Individual articles can also be made into print-ready PDFs with a single click.
- Reading time. The article length is shown at the top of the page, letting you know how long it will take to go through the content.
- Dark and light options. The screen can be put into a dark or light mode, depending on your preferences. Late-night reading can now be easier on your eyes.
- Feedback. The bottom of each article features a simple thumbs-up/thumbs-down button, giving you the option to provide immediate feedback which we can (and will!) act on

We hope that you enjoy using our new Help Center. To get access, simply log in as you would with the previous version of the Help Center, through or by clicking through the links from the website. If you have feedback and suggestions for future improvements, feel free to reach out to us at