
How the Lab Works

Compatible with MATLAB, SPSS, E-Prime and more.

Feature Highlights

Multimodal Data Collection

Patient Questionnaires

Annotations, Markers and Visualizations

Flexible and Powerful R Notebooks

Time Saving Automations

Applications in Health and Medicine Research

Physiological Biomarkers

Medical Training and Simulation

Assistive Technology

Evaluating Therapeutics and Understanding Mechanisms

Eye tracking and EEG are increasingly used in clinical research (interventional and observational studies) of

  • neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g. ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder)
  • neuropsychological diseases (e.g. anxiety-, depressive-, and trauma- and stressor-related disorders)
  • neurological conditions (e.g. traumatic brain injury and stroke)
  • neurodegenerative diseases. (e.g. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s)

ECG and Respiration provide arousal metrics to better understand psychophysiological components of anxiety-, depressive-, and trauma- and stressor-related disorders.

Voice analysis and facial expression analysis can be used to understand emotions and evaluate social interactions in neurodevelopmental disorders.

A Versatile Platform

In-Lab Controlled

Online Testing


Mobile Studies

Remote Data Collection

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Explore eye tracking biomarkers for neurological conditions, neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. EEG can complement these insights and facilitate exploration and validation of disease-specific EEG signatures.

  • Heatmaps/Gaze Paths etc.
  • Attention Metrics
  • Cognitive Processes

Package includes
CoreEye TrackingEEGCSP


This lab focuses on evaluating interventions. Use EMG to measure gait and/or facial EMG to measure facial movements. Use eye tracking glasses to evaluate patient’s attention and eye movement as they navigate. ECG and EMG can be used simultaneously to evaluate muscle tension and the autonomic nervous system.

  • Heatmaps/Gaze Paths etc.
  • Attention Metrics
  • Arousal Metrics
  • Muscle Activity

Package includes
CoreEMGEye Tracking GlassesECGRespirationCSP


Building on the Basic Lab solution, this solution allows you to evaluate more exploratory biomarkers and capture insights into patient’s emotional responses. Eye tracking, facial expression analysis, and voice analysis can also be conducted remotely.

  • Heatmaps/Gaze Paths etc.
  • Attention Metrics
  • Cognitive Metrics
  • Emotion Metrics
  • Valence Metrics

Package includes
CoreEye TrackingEEGFEAVoice AnalysisCSP


iMotions Lab is a completely modular software allowing you to customize it to suit your needs.

Get in touch to find out how we can build the right solution based on your needs.

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Student Access With Discounted Analysis Licenses

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Multimodal and Hardware Agnostic Research Software

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Psychology Research?



Case Studies