Neurophysiological Effects of Presence in Calm Virtual Environments

Arindam Dey

Jane Phoon

Shuvodeep Saha

Chelsea Dobbins

Mark Billinghurst

Presence, the feeling of being there, is an important factor that affects the overall experience of virtual reality. Presence is measured through post-experience subjective questionnaires. While questionnaires are a widely used method in human-based research, they suffer from participant biases, dishonest answers, and fatigue. In this paper, we measured the effects of different levels of presence (high and low) in virtual environments using physiological and neurological signals as an alternative method. Results indicated a significant effect of presence on both physiological and neurological signals.

EEG data was collected using Emotiv EPOC+ 14- channel EEG device and other physiological signals were collected using Shimmers3 sensors through iMotions biometric data collection software.


Virtual environments, Physiology, Heart rate, Electroencephalography, Animals,Visualization, Brain

This publication uses ECG and EEG which is fully integrated into iMotions Lab

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