Modeling emotion in complex stories: the Stanford Emotional Narratives Dataset

Desmond C Ong

Zhengxuan Wu

Tan Zhi-Xuan

Marianne Reddan

Isabella Kahhale

Alison Mattek

Jamil Zaki

Abstract: Human emotions unfold over time, and more affective computing research has to prioritize capturing this crucial component of real-world affect. Modeling dynamic emotional stimuli requires solving the twin challenges of time-series modeling and of collecting high-quality time-series datasets. We begin by assessing the state-of-the-art in time-series emotion recognition, and we review contemporary time-series approaches in affective computing, including discriminative and generative models. We then introduce the first version of the Stanford Emotional Narratives Dataset (SENDv1): a set of rich, multimodal videos of self-paced, unscripted emotional narratives, annotated for emotional valence over time. The complex narratives and naturalistic expressions in this dataset provide a challenging test for contemporary time-series emotion recognition models. We demonstrate several baseline and state-of-the-art modeling approaches on the SEND, including a Long Short-Term Memory model and a multimodal Variational Recurrent Neural Network, which perform comparably to the human-benchmark. We end by discussing the implications for future research in time-series affective computing.

This publication uses Facial Expression Analysis which is fully integrated into iMotions Lab

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