There’s no hiding the fact that scientific research costs money. There are a range of costs associated with even the most straightforward of research projects – lab space, equipment, and staff are all essential to almost every experiment, and each can come with a price.
The benefits of science being conducted are however enormous – it is difficult to think of a single aspect of modern life that hasn’t benefited from a background of scientific study at some point. So while scientific progress comes at a price, the overall benefits that a facilitation of research creates are often deemed to be worth it.
To help with the facilitation of research, various governmental bodies, NGOs, agencies and institutes have been set up to handle the dissemination of funds for research that is judged to ultimately offer a benefit to society. Below, we present a list of many of these found worldwide, which primarily offer funding for research in general, and also often for research carried out specifically within the associated country.
Organizations that specifically don’t provide funding for research that could involve a component of human behavior research (e.g. The Association of American Geographers) are excluded from the list below. Institutes and more general research funding bodies are also listed (in additional to governmental bodies), meaning that wherever you want to carry out research, you should be able to find an organization that matches well with your needs.
The next step, once you’ve found the grant and / or funding body that you’re after, is to write the funding application. We’ve put together a guide to help you with just that, which you can download for free.

The List
I hope you’ve found this comprehensive list of funding agencies and organizations helpful in securing your own research funding. If you’d like to learn more about how iMotions can help you, get in touch.